Open publishing

  1. Elsevier Open Publishing Program license 2022-2024


Last update 28/09/2023: 670 articles from the pool of 1013 articles for 2023 have been used. In January 2023, Program A for articles sent to journals in 2023 was resumed with a new pool, with the list of journals covered by this program changing (see link to the new list below), which is linked to a reduction in the scope of journal access licenses. The B program for articles submitted to journals in 2021 is operating without interruption. The affiliation of authors in programs A and B is verified by local administrators at the institutions. Local administrators can be contacted at



Hybrid journals covered by the program in 2023  (aktualizacja 20.06.2023 r.) (if you have problems opening, please save the file to disk)

Additional journals available in the program for Politechniki WrocławskiejPolitechniki GdańskiejUniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w KrakowieUniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu i Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Lista instytucji uprawnionych do programu (aktualizacja 12.01.2023) List of institutions eligible for the program (updated 12.01.2023)

Prezentacja formularza Rights and Access dla programu A (aktualizacja 25.10.2021)/ Presentation of Rights and Access form for program A (updated 25.10.2021)

Elsevier's 2022-2024 National License Agreement covers only Program A, the publication of a limited number of articles that are exempt from the Article Processing Charge (APC). In January 2023, the program was renewed for articles submitted to journals in 2023 with a new pool of 1013 articles and a new list of journals covered by the program. In 2022, 1013 articles were published and, due to the delay in signing the Elsevier contract and Elsevier's postponement of the program's closure, an additional 465 articles were published (data from Elsevier 21.12.2022 corrected 27.01.2023). Under Elsevier's previous 2019-2021 national license agreement, Program B (APCs paid by authors with a 10% discount) is still in effect for articles submitted to journals as late as 2021.

Which journals and what type of articles are covered by the program?

As of 2023, Program A covers 1114 hybrid journals (updated 20/06/2023) / 1114 czasopism hybrydowych (aktualizacja 20.06.2023 r.) from 7 Science Direct subject collections according to the national license restriction introduced in December 2022: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Health Sciences, Immunology and Microbiology, Mathematics and Physics and Astronomy; and from the Lancet group. Academic institutions that are covered by a national license and subscribe individually to additional subject collections of journals may also publish in these journals under the program, see additional journals for: Wroclaw University of Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, EU in Krakow , EU in Poznan and EU in Wroclaw/ Politechniki WrocławskiejPolitechniki GdańskiejUE w Krakowie UE w Poznaniu and UE we Wrocławiu.

The program does not cover journals gold open access journals and some journals co-published by Elsevier, where open access publications are funded under special rules and cannot be implemented under the national program. The programs cover the following types of articles: Case Reports, Data, Full Length Articles, Micro Articles, Software, Reviews, Replication Study, Short Communications, Short Surveys, Videos, Practice Guidelines and Protocols, see description of types./ see opis typów.

Program nie obejmuje czasopism gold open access i niektórych czasopism współwydawanych przez Elsevier, w których publikacje otwarte są finansowane na specjalnych zasadach i nie mogą być realizowane w ramach programu krajowego. Programy obejmują następujące typy artykułów: Case Reports, Data, Full

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  1. IOP Open Publishing Program license 2023-2025

Last update 13.07.2023: 49 articles have been used. Due to the confirmation of the funding of the MEiN (announcement of January 19, 2023),/ (komunikat z 19 stycznia 2023 r. the IOP 2023 program has been operating since January 31 on the account of the new contract 2023-2025. The pool in the program is unlimited.




The program is  intended for correspondence authors affiliated with institutions participating in the IOP consortium. In 2023, the program covers hybrid and fully open access IOP / hybrydowe i w pełni otwarte czasopisma IOP journals and all types of publications. The program allows an unlimited number of articles accepted for publication in the current year to be published under a CC-BY license without charge. In 2020, 58 articles were published, in 2021. 60 articles, and in 2022 a pool of 60 articles was available (it was exhausted on 15.11.2022), increased by the Publisher by 10 articles, which were used until 31.12.2022. In 2023, the pool in the program is unlimited. The pool is not divided by institution and articles are included in the program in the order in which articles are accepted for publication.


IOP recognizes articles eligible for the program on the basis of the affiliation provided by the corresponding author in the form when submitting the manuscript to the journal, and sends the article information to ICM once the article is accepted for publication. After verifying that the appropriate affiliation is given in the article, ICM confirms the article's inclusion in the program. Under the new system introduced by IOP in 2021, the author fills out an additional form either during the review process or immediately after the article is accepted. In this form, the author has the option to choose OA publication within the program and with copyright. If the author opts out of OA publication or notifies the publisher that he or she wants to cover the costs from another source, the article is not included in the program. Authors who do not receive a proposal for OA publication under the program with their accepted article may submit to ICM at attaching the page(s) with the title, authors and affiliations from the accepted manuscript. A brochure about the program/  broszura o programie prepared by the publisher and information about the program on the publisher's website are also available./ stronie wydawcy.



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  1. Springer  Open Publishing Program 2022-2024

The program allows authors affiliated with polish academic institutions, including the National Center for Nuclear Research, to publish open access articles.

The costs of publishing articles are covered by the MEiN.

Last update 26.09.2023: 873 articles from the pool of 1350 articles for 2023 have been used (the new pool is effective from 26.04.2023). The affiliation of authors in the program is verified only by local administrators at institutions. Contact to local administrators can be obtained at


Springer journals covered (list updated 05.08.2023) / Czasopisma Springer objęte programem (lista zaktualizowana 05.08.2023)
List of institutions entitled to the program (updated 12.01.2023)/
Lista instytucji uprawnionych do programu (aktualizacja 12.01.2023)
Presentation of the form for Open Access Systems Solution authors/ 
Prezentacja formularza dla autorów Open Access Systems Solution


The program allows authors affiliated with Polish academic institutions to publish open access articles in Springer hybrid journals under a CC-BY license CC-BY (or possibly CC-BY-NC if specifically requested by the author). The costs of publishing articles under the program are covered by Springer's national license fee with funds from the Ministry of Science and Technology. In 2010-2018, the program was funded as a supplement to the national academic license for access to Springer journals. Starting in 2019, the Springer national license agreement (renewed in 2022 for the period 2022-2024) is a transformational agreement, in which a larger part of the license fee is for open publishing, and a smaller part is a fee for access to subscription articles. This solution is related to the assumption that the share of open access articles in hybrid journals will gradually increase until the journals are completely transformed to an open access model, which is in line with Plan S. / Planem S.


Who can use the program?

The program is intended for correspondence authors affiliated with institutions that are covered by Springer's national license and have established an Article Approval Service (AAS) administrative account to verify the affiliation of their authors, see the list of institutions/ lista instytucji.  The affiliation of the correspondent author should be stated in the article header with sufficient accuracy to clearly identify with the above list. A correspondence author may provide more than one affiliation in an article, and it is sufficient that at least one of them corresponds to the list. The affiliation of any co-authors of the article is not relevant to the program


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4. OUP Open Publishing Program - access to the Math& Physical Sciences 2023 collection

The program resumed on June 15, 2023 due to the signing of a new contract with no limit on the number of articles. Articles published between January 1, 2023 and the resumption of the program will be retroactivated and included in the program upon author approvals.

The program is intended for correspondence authors affiliated with institutions participating in the OUP consortium that have additionally applied for the publishing program. The program covers 352 OUP hybrid journals 352 czasopism hybrydowych OUP (note: the list also includes journals that are not included in the program, see description in the 4th column). The publisher reserves the right to change the list of titles included in the program; the current list aktualna lista can be found on the publisher's website. The program allows authors to publish at no charge a certain number of OA articles accepted for publication in the current year. In 2020, the pool of articles was 204, of which 30 were used. In 2021, the pool was 100 articles, of which 62 were used (final information as of 18.03.2022). In 2022, the program included a pool of 70 articles, which was fully utilized. In 2023, the program will include an unlimited number of articles for all participating institutions (institutions with a "read & publish" subscription). This pool is not separated by institution and articles are included in the program in the order of submissions made by authors after articles are accepted for publication.

Autor artykułu zaakceptowanego do publikacji powinien wypełnić formularz on-line zgodnie z instrukcją wydawcy. Autor korespondencyjny powinien posługiwać się adresem email z domeny instytucji uczestniczącej w programie, co gwarantuje, że system automatycznie prześle zapytanie o weryfikację artykułu do administratora konsorcjum. Autor posługujący się emailem spoza domeny instytucji po otrzymaniu akceptacji artykułu od redakcji powinien dodatkowo skontaktować się z koordynatorem. Koordynatorem licencji i programu OUP od 2021 r. jest firma Ebsco, osoba kontaktowa: Anna Abramowska Dostępna jest także informacja o programie publikowania dla konsorcjum na stronie wydawcy oraz adres kontaktowy do wydawcy w sprawach publikowania stronie wydawcy

The author of an article accepted for publication should fill out the online form according to the publisher's instructions/  instrukcją wydawcy. The correspondence author should use an email address from the domain of the participating institution, which ensures that the system will automatically send a request for verification of the article to the consortium administrator. An author using an email from outside the institution's domain should additionally contact the coordinator after receiving approval of the article from the editorial office. The coordinator of the license and OUP program from 2021 is Ebsco, contact person: Anna Abramowska Information about the publishing program for the consortium is also available on the publisher's website/ stronie wydawcy, as well as a contact address for the publisher on publishing issues

More information:


Below are the links about  more details  open publishing programs on the library website 
website tab and website tab

and on the site and




  1. Science Advances Open Publishing Program national license 2022-2024

Program runs with a new pool of 10 article per year.



The program is in addition to a national license for access to the journal Science. The journal Science operates on a subscription model only, and a separate open-access journal Science Advances.
 is designed for open access publishing. The Science national license fee funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education covers the cost of publishing up to 10 articles from Poland per year in the Science Advances journal. The offer is available to correspondence authors affiliated with Polish institutions covered by the Science license who have indicated this affiliation on the title page of the article. The publisher identifies such articles itself, but correspondence authors whose articles have been accepted for publication can additionally contact ICM at  to take advantage of the program. In 2021, 2 articles were published under the Open Science publishing program (covering only the journal ScienceAdvances). In 2022, 3 articles were published.


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