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Archiwum seminariów

Accessible Lepton-Number-Violating Models and Negligible Neutrino Masses

Cooperation between NCBJ and JAEA on HTGR technologies at the next stage

High-Resolution Quantitative Cathodoluminescence (CL) for Material Applications

Nagroda Nobla z fizyki 2019

Detection of (anti)neutrino interactions with outgoing protons in T2K

Chemical compositions as indicators of evolution in binary systems. Results from studies of symbiotic giants

Review of progress in TRISO fuel performance analysis

Wykład o plazmie w laboratorium plazmowej inżynierii powierzchni

Open charm measurement with a new silicon vertex detector for the NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS

Past, Present and Future Challenges of Developing the Serpent Monte Carlo Code
