Summer internship in NCBJ High Energy Physics Division (BP3)

Competition opened on: 
13 Jun 2014 - 10:45
Application submission deadline: 
28 Aug 2015 - 11:45

Research on ω meson production in muon-on-nucleon scattering in the COMPASS experiment

Tutor: Professor Andrzej Sandacz

The COMPASS experinent is run in CERN. The intern work will consists in analysis of data on production of high energy ω mesons in deeply inelastic scattering of 160 GeV mouns on nucleons. The ω mesons are identified by characterisrtic decay patterns. Decay into three π mesons (ω → π+ π π0) is the dominant channel; less probable are decays into a neutral π0 meson and a photon (ω → πγ). Both the photon and the π0 meson are detected in electromagnetic calorimeters of the experiment (neutral meson is detected indirectly by two photons produced in result of its decay, πes→ γ γ).

Events in which the ω meson is the sole produced particle will be pursued in analysis of all ω mesons produced in the COMPASS experiment. Such meson carries information on internal structure of the nucleon, on which it was produced. Experimental determination of photon detection efficiency in the COMPASS experiment should be an imnportant result of the work. The eficiency might be determined by comparison of ω meson occurence rates observed in both decay channels.


For more information contact:

Professor Andrzej Sandacz
NCBJ High Energy Physics Division (BP3)
69 Hoża str.
00-681 Warszawa
phone +48 22 55 32 207